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Page 1 of Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th March 2018, 22:25

"Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser
Company looks for feedback on change that will make Windows Mail links open in Edge even if users have Chrome or Firefox set as default"

Full details here-

The part that surprised me was "Despite Windows 10 being installed on 36% of desktop computers globally,...."

Only 36%?
So what operating system do most businesses use then? I had no idea the number was so low.

RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 19th March 2018, 22:37

pat-w says...
"So what operating system do most businesses use then? I had no idea the number was so low."

I would say most businesses that renew their PCs and laptops every few years are on Windows 10. But the slow down in the PC market probably means a lot of non-business users are sticking with Win7 like they did with WinXP.

But then it could all depend on what country you are referring to, maybe some are more up-to-date.


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RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th March 2018, 23:03

While SMEs might have moved to Win 10 because it comes pre-installed on machines, the uptake is much slower with larger enterprises. We haven't migrated yet (all of our kit is re-imaged with Win 7 x64), although it's happening this year. It's already shaping up to be a disaster...

My Blu-ray Screenshot Site

RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th March 2018, 02:54

Fair point both. I guess hearing about Windows 10 for such a long time now, I suppose I expected it to be a higher percentage,

RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th April 2019, 09:23

you can start trying the new version using the chromium engine if you fancy it....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 9th April 2019, 09:23

RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 9th April 2019, 12:09

Rob says....But the slow down in the PC market probably means a lot of non-business users are sticking with Win7 like they did with WinXP.

I did that and stuck with Win 7 as I know it inside out by now, and can sort faults easy, and at worst senerio, can reinstate if required from hidden partition harddrive. My other computer is win XP. Easy as well. 

Win 10 got very bad reviews when it first came out, no advantages and a lot of dissadvantages,  and so I never went for it, same also with Windows Vista, it was another stinker 

RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 9th April 2019, 12:16

I recently purchased a new laptop with W10 installed and it's the clunkiest, most awkward user interface I've seen, and that includes 3.1. I'll stick with it for the time being as I need a portable PC for some upcoming projects. Happily I was advised on these very pages to get Spybot Beacon to disable the horrific amount of telemetry that comes with it.

Writer`s Release

RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

AmandaBell (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 27th May 2019, 09:57

The thing is that such a situation is not new. They started to do so even from . So if there are any troubles with this, you can just refer here.

RE: Windows 10: Microsoft is looking to force people to use its Edge browser

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th October 2023, 13:04

do a barrel roll, I mean

let's surf


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